Our product range includes best quality nutmegs, mace, cloves, cassia, turmeric, Indonesian black and white pepper, long pepper, cubeb and vanilla, available in different quality calibrations or milled in all particle size requests.

We can provide competitive prices and a constant product quality due to our management system and strong partnerships with the local suppliers and farmers from Indonesia.

An effective and efficient management system based on continuous improvement concept allows us to control the process parameters of milling and sieving. Our technology includes: metal detectors / separators, cryogenic milling systems, fine impact milling systems, granulation and cutting mills and sieving systems offering grounded spices in all requested mesh size.

Our locations

Matahari Spice Eurosavor

Our Headquarters

NJS Headquarters
processing plant in Indonesia

Raya Bumi Maspion 1, Kav. 5, No. 14
Romokalisari, Benowo
Surabaya 60192, Indonesia

Phone: +62 31 99 00 61 99
Email: info@naturaljavaspice.com
Website: www.naturaljavaspice.com

Matahari Spice LLC.
distribution company in the US Market

Headquarters & Sales Office
2694 American Ln.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Cell: (847) 849 0035
Office: (630) 422 3998
Fax: (630) 422 3999
Email: office@mataharispice.com
Website: www.mataharispice.com


distribution company in Germany

Address: Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 24a, 66130 Saarbrücken
Registergericht Saarbrücken: HRB 102648
UST.-IdNr. DE301773024
Phone: +49 681 88 364-22
Phone: +49 681 88 364-27
Email: office@eurosavor.eu
Website: www.eurosavor.eu